Guided tour

This website is designed to provide the newcomer to the issue of Palestinian rock-throwing with an easy, step-by-step means of learning about this barbaric phenomenon, its victims, who enables it, and how to help stop it.

Here are the basic components of the site (updated October 2013):

The Phenomenon

TART menu screencap 1Here is the best starting point to learn about Palestinian rock-throwing, and the fact that it is the direct outgrowth of an incitement and child indoctrination machine, operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and allied groups in the West Bank.

Under “The Phenomenon,” you can see videos, and dig as deep as you want to learn about the underlying forces that, in a rational world, would define the PA-governed West Bank as a de facto terror state. Instead, thanks to certain prominent Western diplomats, “human rights” groups and “news” entities, we are told that the PA is a “peace partner” that we must fund, and with whom Israel must negotiate.

The Enablers

TART menu screencap 2The PA cannot operate its “schools,” cultural centers, TV and radio operations and all other facets of its terror-incitement and child-indoctrination machines without money. Aside from the money it receives from Arabic countries – many of whom are directly involved in terrorism – the PA relies most heavily on money extracted from the wallets of taxpayers in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe, much of which is funneled through the U.N.

Actually, in the U.S. and other Western countries, laws forbid giving taxpayer money to any group that facilitates or incites terrorism, or engages in child indoctrination. The money flow continues, however, because of political gamesmanship, and the pivotal role that certain “news” entities and “human rights” groups play in whitewashing the reality of the PA’s terror state – including the rock-throwing phenomenon. This situation will continue only so long as the vast majority of everyday citizens in the West are unaware of the inferno of Palestinian hate and violence that they are unwittingly helping to enable.

The Hoaxes

TART menu screencap 3A “hoax” is defined as “a humorous or malicious deception.” Twice in recent years, certain prominent “news” entities and “human rights” groups have perpetrated or participated in hoaxes relating to Palestinian rock-throwers. In both cases, sympathy campaigns were elicited for the perpetrators, while the victims were either ignored, or even vilified.

As of October 2013, we present videos and extensive supporting documentation concerning two hoaxes:

“The 2013 Wadi’a Maswadah Hoax” exposes how a prominent “human rights” group and major “news” entities elicited a global sympathy campaign for a Palestinian child who was caught throwing rocks at passing Jewish cars, falsely claiming he was “unlawfully detained” or “arrested.” Yet these same entities completely ignored Adele Biton, and all the other recent Jewish victims of rock throwing.

“The 2010 E. Jerusalem Ambush-Hoax” exposes how prominent “news” entities created the false impression that a Jewish driver “ran down” several Palestinian children, and featured a dramatic picture that would seem to indicate this. In reality, as the video shows, these child rock throwers ambushed his car around a blind corner, and he desperately swerved to avoid hitting them.

The Victims

TART menu screencap 4The one aspect of this intolerable situation that Western diplomats, or certain prominent “news” entities or “human rights” groups fervently avoid discussing is the victims – the Jewish adults and children who are injured, maimed for life or killed as a result of the Palestinian rock-throwing culture. Here we tell the detailed stories of some of these victims, and wherever possible, provide extensive research and links to more information about each.

It is hoped that once everyday taxpayers in Western cultures can see the faces of these victims, and learn what was deliberately done to them, will things begin to change. When such people discover that these grievous injuries and deaths were enabled, in part, by money taken out of their pockets, for supposedly “humanitarian aid” purposes, it is hoped that far tougher restrictions on such aid will be implemented, and rigidly enforced.


TART menu screencap 6Some may believe the allegations contained on this website are overblown, or not in the proper context. For them, we provide an extensive listing of links to the most reputable research and watchdog organizations, that are dedicated to exposing the insidious reality of the PA, its incitement and glorification of terrorism (including rock-throwing), and its child-indoctrination machine.

This is a treasure trove of top-level resources that any serious skeptic who wants to learn the truth will find invaluable.

Get Involved

TART menu screencap 7

You cannot stop the Palestinian Authority from inciting and rewarding terrorism, or from indoctrinating children to want to murder Jews, whether by rock-throwing or any other means.

What you can do, however, is take measures to help prevent any further money from being taken out of your paycheck to enable the PA to engage in this savagery. At our Get Involved link, you’ll find:

  • Listings of the key people at the governmental, NGO and news media organizations that are most responsible for enabling and protecting the PA’s terror incitement and facilitation, and the means by which you can contact them.
  • Ideas for how you can join with others to make your voices known, together, to your fellow citizens and the powers-that-be.

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”

– Helen Keller





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